Using Travis CI? Take a look at [ros-industrial/industrial_ci](
This repository contains helper scripts and instructions on how to use Continuous Integration (CI) for ROS projects hosted on a GitLab instance.
Supported ROS releases (older release should be supported too):
This repository uses the [ROS Docker]( images to compile your packages, it does not run tests by default.
Your repository must be hosted on a GitLab instance with CI working and Docker support.
Victor Lamoine
- apt update >/dev/null && apt install -y git >/dev/null
- git clone >/dev/null
- source ros_gitlab_ci/gitlab-ci.bash >/dev/null
- source ros_gitlab_ci/gitlab-ci.bash >/dev/null
- colcon build --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --packages-up-to package_name
Commit, push to your repository and watch the pipeline! (make sure pipelines are enabled in your project settings).
Victor Lamoine
- `DISABLE_CCACHE` (false by default), if defined to `true`: disables [ccache]( gcc output caching.
- `USE_ROSDEP` (true by default) use [rosdep]( to install dependencies. Define to `false` to disable.
- `ROSINSTALL_CI_JOB_TOKEN` (false by default), if defined to `true`: makes it possible to clone private repositories using wstool by using the [CI job permissions mode]( Requires GitLab 8.12 minimum and that the private repositories are on the same GitLab server.
- `WSTOOL_RECURSIVE` (false by default), if defined to `true`: wstool will be used to cloned recursively every repositories specified in the `*.rosinstall` files. For this feature to work:
- The rosinstall file names must be unique
- No repository may contain a space in it's name
Just add them after sourcing `gitlab-ci.bash` in the `before_script` section, for example:
Victor Lamoine
- apt update >/dev/null && apt install -y git >/dev/null
- git clone >/dev/null
- source ros_gitlab_ci/gitlab-ci.bash >/dev/null
- apt install -y liblapack-dev ros-jazzy-uuid-msgs >/dev/null