[RNA] SortMeRNA fails often due to TimeLimit
After research on the web, because the official documentation is leak, I found that users use a lot of CPUs !
After research on the web, because the official documentation is leak, I found that users use a lot of CPUs !
changed milestone to %Next from V1.20.0
added Improvement RNA labels
assigned to @jsabban
Test using PE Fastq =~ 15GB each
Large memory and 28 CPU doing the job in 2 hours.
currently, jobs fails after 19 h of running...
Job ID: 10593917
Cluster: genobioinfo
User/Group: sbsuser/GET-PLAGE
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 28
CPU Utilized: 2-00:05:02
CPU Efficiency: 86.72% of 2-07:26:52 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 01:58:49
Memory Utilized: 135.16 GB
Memory Efficiency: 90.11% of 150.00 GB
mentioned in commit a9c5ac35