Minimalist opensilex docker compose environment
Docker compose environnent to deploy opensilex stack based on a previous work opensilex-phis-igepp.
Minimalist opensilex docker compose environment
- Pre-requesite softwares
- Check your installed softwares
- Stack software name with associated versions
- Installation steps
- Run minimal opensilex docker stack compose
- Update opensilex version
- Stop opensilex docker
- Restart opensilex docker
- Other tools or customizations
- Configure docker configuration
- Customize opensilex configuration
- Core module extensions
- Modular extensions
- Manage data
- Manage docker
- Debug installation
- Stop docker stack
- Danger Zone
- Acknowledgments
Pre-requesite softwares
Tested Operating system :
Not working operating system :
First you need to have these software installed, you can check if they are installed :
Check your installed softwares
Following commands should work from everywhere in your system without errors:
git --version
docker --version
docker compose version
Stack software name with associated versions
Mandatory softwares :
- RDF4J - 3.7.7
- MongoDB - 5.0.19
- OpenSILEX - 1.2.4
Other managements softwares :
- mongo-express (A web based gui for mongo) - 1.0.0-alpha.4
- haproxy (web server used as reverse proxy) - 2.6.6
Installation steps
This docker version is related to 1.2.4 OpenSILEX version
Fresh new install (compose v2)
Clone the repository to in order to get the project.
git clone --branch 1.2.4
cd opensilex-docker-compose
For migration steps from previous versions, take a look to the Migration steps from previous version section
Run minimal opensilex docker stack compose
- With a bash terminal go to the project directory (where this readme is located).
- You must run docker compose up command to start your installation:
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env build --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g)
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env up start_opensilex_stack -d
- Expected Output:
WARN[0000] The "OPENSILEX_START_CMD_DEBUG" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "OPENSILEX_START_CMD_DEBUG" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
[+] Running 4/10
⠸ Network opensilex-stack_default Created 2.3s
⠸ Volume "opensilex-stack_persist_rdf4j_logs" Created 2.2s
⠸ Volume "opensilex-stack_persist_opensilex" Created 2.2s
⠸ Volume "opensilex-stack_haproxy_conf" Created 2.2s
⠹ Volume "opensilex-stack_persist_mongo_data" Created 2.2s
⠹ Volume "opensilex-stack_persist_rdf4j_data" Created 2.2s
✔ Container opensilex-docker-mongodb Started 1.0s
✔ Container opensilex-docker-rdf4j Started 1.0s
✔ Container opensilex-docker-opensilexapp Started 1.5s
✔ Container opensilex-stack-start_opensilex_stack-1 Started
- Check if opensilex is launched:
docker logs opensilex-docker-opensilexapp
- Expected Output:
These lines must be written in the docker logs.
INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
Feb 26, 2024 10:00:06 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8081"]
(First install only) Create an administrator user
Docker volumes are persistent until you remove them. You only need to create once an user.
docker exec -it opensilex-docker-opensilexapp ./bin/ user add --admin --lang=fr --firstName=firstName --lastName=lastName --password=admin
After opensilex start you will be able to access to the application on port localhost:28081/sandbox/app.
By default, different available services can be found at these adresses :
- OpenSILEX web application : http://localhost:28081/sandbox/app
- OpenSILEX API : http://localhost:28081/sandbox/api-docs
- MongoDB port : http://localhost:28888
- RDF4J Workbench : http://localhost:28887/rdf4j-workbench
PS: At the first connection, you will need to change rdf4j server port to 8080 (internal docker port) in order to access to rdf4j repositories.
Expected configuration :
Update opensilex version
Warning ! Before updating, if you already have a running version, please check the migration guides between releases. You can find the migration instructions in the changelog for each release (
You can do it in two steps :
- By modifying opensilex.env file with this following configuration you will be able to change.
# Choose opensilex version.
- You will be able to restart opensilex container only by running the following command.
docker compose --env-file=opensilex.env up --force-recreate --no-deps opensilex -d
Stop opensilex docker
This command will stop the stack.
docker stop opensilex-docker-opensilexapp
Restart opensilex docker
This command will restart the opensilex service.
docker compose --env-file=opensilex.env up --force-recreate --no-deps opensilex -d
Other tools or customizations
(Optional) Add a gui for opensilex-docker-mongodb
This will start the mongo express server that helps you do explore your mongo data on port localhost:28889/mongoexpress. You can also use your own robo3t or Mongo Compass App.
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env up --no-recreate start_opensilex_stack_mongogui -d
(Optional) Add a reverse proxy
This will start the haproxy as reverse proxy for opensilex instance on port that you want to expose.
It can be configure in the ./opensilex.env
with the variable HAPROXY_EXPOSED_PORT
(Default to port 80 equivalent to http://localhost.
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env up --no-recreate start_opensilex_stack_proxy -d
If you have installed optional reverse proxy
By default, different available services can be found at these adresses. The port might be change depending on your ./opensilex.env
configuration file.
- Web :
- OpenSILEX web application : http://localhost/opensilex/app
- OpenSILEX API : http://localhost/opensilex/api-docs
- RDF4J Workbench : http://localhost/rdf4j-workbench
Mongo express will be automatically installed (Optional) Add a gui for opensilex-docker-mongodb
- MongoDB express : http://localhost/mongoadmin
Migration steps from previous versions
First, go to the previous directory and get the actual version of the repository.
# Go inside opensilex-docker-compose directory
git checkout 1.2.4
From previous version 1.0.0-rc+5.2 (compose v2)
If you had a previous installation go to the directory where the project have been clone. And execute the following command to remove previous docker stack :
# Remove old containers
docker stop mongodb && docker rm mongodb
docker stop opensilexapp && docker rm opensilexapp
docker stop rdf4jdb && docker rm rdf4jdb
docker stop haproxy && docker rm haproxy
docker stop mongoexpressgui && docker rm mongoexpressgui
From previous version 1.0.0-rc+5.1 (compose v1)
If you had a previous installation go to the directory where the project have been clone. And execute the following command to remove previous docker stack :
# Remove old containers
docker stop mongodb && docker rm mongodb
docker stop opensilexapp && docker rm opensilexapp
docker stop rdf4jdb && docker rm rdf4jdb
docker stop haproxy && docker rm haproxy
docker stop mongoexpressgui && docker rm mongoexpressgui
From previous version before 1.0.0-rc+5.1 (compose v1)
If you had a previous installation go to the directory where the project have been clone. And execute the following command to remove previous docker stack :
# Remove old containers
docker stop mongodb && docker rm mongodb
docker stop opensilex && docker rm opensilex
docker stop rdf4j && docker rm rdf4j
Configure docker configuration
Configure opensilex.env
file to configure opensilex sparql config, applications ports, applications volumes
## START COMMAND can had debug option by uncommenting the following statment
# customize path prefix Ex : localhost:28081/sandbox or localhost:8081/phenotyping_si
OPENSILEX_PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost:28081/ # public url for web api
# Default value is "gridfs" - Only "gridfs" or "local" are supported
# If "local" file system is choosed OPENSILEX_LOCAL_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY is mandatory if you choose gridfs local will be not used
# File system configuration can be customized to opensilex-template.yml
#Ex :
## START COMMAND can had debug option : --DEBUG
OPENSILEX_START_CMD=./bin/ server start --host=localhost --port=8081 --adminPort=4081 --CONFIG_FILE=/home/opensilex/config/opensilex.yml
# Example of modification
Customize opensilex configuration
Configure config/opensilex-custom-config.yml
file to activate custom features.
Example : Activate and calculated metrics each 2 hours.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration for module: CoreModule (CoreConfig)
# Metrics options (MetricsConfig)
# Activate access metrics (boolean)
enableMetrics: true
# Metrics configs about system (SystemMetricsConfig)
# First metrics for any time depending on is time unit (int)
timeBeforeFirstMetric: 1
# Delay between whole system metrics (combined with corresponding TimeUnit) (int)
delayBetweenMetrics: 2
# Default metrics units : DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS are authorized (String)
metricsTimeUnit: HOURS
# Metrics configs about experiments (ExperimentsMetricsConfig)
# First metrics for any time depending on is time unit (int)
timeBeforeFirstMetric: 1
# Delay between whole system metrics (combined with corresponding TimeUnit) (int)
delayBetweenMetrics: 2
# Default metrics units : DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS are authorized (String)
metricsTimeUnit: HOURS
Core module extensions
Other modules can be activated by modifiyng OPENSILEX_RELEASE_TAG version (Example : RDG module).
Configuration for RDG module
By modifying opensilex.env file with this following configuration you will be able to activate rdg module. For more configuration, see RDG module configuration.
# Example of modification for RDG module
Modular extensions
Explanation of modules directory
Module (opensilex jar) can be added to "modules" directory (opensilex-docker-compose/modules) in order to be deployed in opensilex stack.
There is a module example directory working with "inrae-sixtine-vigne" module (inrae-sixtine-vigne-1.1.0.jar) that allow you to change ontology and instance front style. It is localised in opensilex-docker-compose/modules_examples/1.0.0-rc+6.5/inrae-sixtine-vigne-1.1.0.jar.
How to do it ?
- To activate your module you must copy a module example that have been compiled for a specified opensilex version in modules directory. (Ex : the module located in 1.0.0-rc+6.5/inrae-sixtine-vigne-1.1.0.jar has been compiled for opensilex version 1.0.0-rc+6.5). It's all.
Configuration for inrae sixtine vigne
By modifying opensilex.env file with this following configuration you will be able to change the theme.
# Example of modification for sixtine vigne module
Manage data
File system management are not shown in the the following steps because local files are manage with bind volumes or with gridfs. Other file systems are not managed in this version of opensilex docker.
Export (Experimental)
This script will dumps mongodb and rdf4j data in a directory with this structure.
# Step 1
cd <opensilex-docker-compose-dir>/dump_scripts
# Example directory structure <opensilex-docker-compose-dir>/dump_scripts/dump_example_structure
# ├── mongodb
# │ └── opensilex-docker-db-2022-11-21
# └── rdf4j
# └── opensilex-docker-db-2022-11-21
sh <path_to_data>
Import (Experimental)
This script will restore mongodb and rdf4j data in a directory with this structure.
# Step 1
cd <opensilex-docker-compose-dir>/dump_scripts
# Example directory structure <opensilex-docker-compose-dir>/dump_scripts/dump_example_structure
# ├── mongodb
# │ └── opensilex-dump-db-2022-11-21
# └── rdf4j
# └── opensilex-dump-db-2022-11-21
sh <path_to_data>
Manage docker
In order to manage your docker stack via an web interface, we suggest you to use Portainer Community edition edition
Debug installation
This command will give you stack trace of the docker build.
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env build --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) > docker_logs/debug.log
Stop docker stack
This command will stop the docker stack.
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env down
Danger Zone
\color{red}{The\ following\ commands\ may\ produce\ a\ loss\ of\ data}
Stop docker stack and erase all data (Be sure to delete all data)
This command will stop docker stack and erase all data in your databases.
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env down --volumes
# this command will erase all the data
Olivier Fangi & Co - P2M2 Team