diff --git a/trunk/BD_MODELS/sOTConst3.txt b/trunk/BD_MODELS/sOTConst3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c47554185466dbaa9c229e0a120500d774f200a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/BD_MODELS/sOTConst3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/trunk/BD_MODELS/sOTConst4.txt b/trunk/BD_MODELS/sOTConst4.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3ba67b97edd85c476cea3d53dc6e262fdccf17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/BD_MODELS/sOTConst4.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/trunk/src/mse/DISPERSIONS/diffusionModel.py b/trunk/src/mse/DISPERSIONS/diffusionModel.py
index 7ac089d6f438e1a2271dd0deee446e6172784309..b9bdab6be1d5b516eef99877e13508098e7beb72 100644
--- a/trunk/src/mse/DISPERSIONS/diffusionModel.py
+++ b/trunk/src/mse/DISPERSIONS/diffusionModel.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class diffusionModel(model):
         self.nbDim = 2
         self.varfs=[None for i in range(self.nbComps*(self.dS.study.nbParam+1))]
     def setDiffCoef(self,aDiffCoef):
         self.diffCoef=Constant(self.dS.dolfinMesh, ScalarType(aDiffCoef))
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class diffusionModel(model):
 class txtDiffusionModel(model):
     """ Class used to create a second order term with a txt file
     NOTE: only avaible for compment in 2d
     :param dynamicalSystem aDs: class allows applying a PDE to a geometry
     :param str strModel: file contain diffModel.The txt file must be this form:
@@ -72,6 +72,19 @@ class txtDiffusionModel(model):
         model.myPrint("X ->"+code)
         return code
+    def _execStr(self, strEquation, index):
+        """Function will take a string wich contain equation, and do execution to transform it in form
+        """
+        ##replace param
+        for tmpCountP,tmpP in enumerate(self.dS.paramD):
+            strEquation=strEquation.replace('p'+str(tmpCountP+1),'self.dS.paramD['+str(tmpCountP)+']')
+        #replace COVARIABLES
+        strEquation=formatCovariables(strEquation,"self.dS.dicCov[\"", "\"]")
+        #### BUILD VARF
+        code="self.varfs["+str(index)+"]=form("+strEquation+")"
+        exec(compile(code, 'sumstring', 'exec'))
     def __init__(self,aDs, aTxtFile) -> None:
@@ -167,10 +180,8 @@ class txtDiffusionModel(model):
             # v1: with Grad[i]
             strline = strlineX + "*grad(self.dS.u)[0]*grad(self.dS.v)[0]*self.dS.dx+"+strlineY+"*grad(self.dS.u)[1]*grad(self.dS.v)[1]*self.dS.dx"
-            print("varfs = ",strline)
-            code="self.varfs["+str(numComps)+"*(2*self.dS.study.nbParam+1)]="+self._subFXForm(strline,"uk")+")"
-            print("num index in varf =",numComps*(2*self.dS.study.nbParam+1))
-            print("code = ",code)
+            index = numComps*(2*self.dS.study.nbParam+1)
+            code="self.varfs["+ str(index) +"]="+self._subFXForm(strline,"uk")+")"
             exec(compile(code, 'sumstring', 'exec'))
             # NOTE: we will save form, if 0, we save NULL or 0
@@ -190,37 +201,26 @@ class txtDiffusionModel(model):
                 # index
                 index = numComps*(2*self.dS.study.nbParam+1)+countP+1
-                print("index for derivate: ",index)
-                print("strline x = "+strlineX+"\nstrliney = "+strlineY)
                 ## Test if deivate is Null
                 if strlineX == "0":
                     if strlineY =="0":
                         ## if both der ==Null: we replace Varfs[index] by None
-                    else: 
+                    else:
                         # Only dim x ==0
-                        strline ="-grad("+strlineY+"*self.dS.trajState.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[1]*grad(self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[1])*self.dS.dx"
+                        strline ="-grad("+strlineY+"*self.dS.trajState.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[1]*grad(self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[1]*self.dS.dx"
+                        # Function to transform str in form and put it in varfs
+                        self._execStr(strline, index)
                 elif strlineY == "0":
                     # Only dim y ==0
                     strline = "-grad("+strlineX+"*self.dS.trajState.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[0]*grad(self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[0]*self.dS.dx"
+                    # Function to transform str in form and put it in varfs
+                    self._execStr(strline, index)
                     # both != 0
                     strline = "(-grad("+strlineX+"*self.dS.trajState.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[0]*grad(self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[0] - grad("+strlineY+"*self.dS.trajState.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[1]*grad(self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps["+str(numComps)+"])[1])*self.dS.dx"
-                    ##replace param
-                    for tmpCountP,tmpP in enumerate(self.dS.paramD):
-                        strline=strline.replace('p'+str(tmpCountP+1),'self.dS.paramD['+str(tmpCountP)+']')
-                    #replace COVARIABLES
-                    strline=formatCovariables(strline,"self.dS.dicCov[\"", "\"]")
-                    #### BUILD VARF USING
-                    #tmpDPSOT = assemble_scalar(form((tmpDPSOTX + tmpDPSOTY)))
-                    #model.myPrint("txtDiffusionModel: read txt model d"+txtDiffusionModel.unknownName[numComps]+"F"+txtDiffusionModel.unknownName[numComps]+"="+strlineX + " + "+strlineY)
-                    ### NOTE use _subXForm
-                    # Assemble#TODO: _subXform for form
-                    code="self.varfs["+str(index)+"]=form("+strline+")" 
-                    #code="self.varfs["+str(numComps)+"*(2*self.dS.study.nbParam+1)+"+str(tmpCountP)+"+1*(self.dS.study.nbParam)]="+strline
-                    print("codeDvp = ",code)
-                    exec(compile(code, 'sumstring', 'exec'))
-            for i in self.varfs:print (i)
+                    # Function to transform str in form and put it in varfs
+                    self._execStr(strline, index)
     def updateBlockMat(self,compi,compj):
         if (compi==compj):
             #return matrix(assemble_matrix(self.varfs[compi*(self.nbComps+1)]))
diff --git a/trunk/src/mse/obsProcess.py b/trunk/src/mse/obsProcess.py
index ef018317c26b114e59547d34fa900533b4e5514d..868366394359344bb9fe2dc7a78bf472e9e0b436 100644
--- a/trunk/src/mse/obsProcess.py
+++ b/trunk/src/mse/obsProcess.py
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ class obsProcess:
     This class contain the definition of main function for an obsprocess.
     def _subFXForm(self,strModel,X):
+        """function use for exec of str in Code.
+        we transform a string of Model in a string wich contain form and the dX
+        """
         #NOTE: move this function ? Used in txtModel, txtDiffModel
         for j in range(self.dS.nbComps):
@@ -62,8 +66,9 @@ class obsProcess:
         self.simuBackward = simulatorBackward(t1,t0,self.dS.study)
         self.tDoStepBackward = timeDoOneStepBackward(self.dS.study, self.timeSchemeBackward)
         self.timeSchemeBackward.theta = 1
-        # Tab wich contain derivate
-        self.varDerParam =[0*self.dS.dx for i in range (self.dS.study.nbParam)] #[None]*(self.dS.study.nbParam)
+        # Tab wich contain the sum of all derivate of ST with respect to param (size of nbParam)
+        #this is initiate in computeGradV()
+        self.varDerParam = None
     def computeV(self):
         """ Method to compute the observation process for the current study parameters.
@@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ class obsProcess:
     def computeGradV(self):
-        """By default, it builds the adjoint state via systemAdjoint class and build the grad of the obsprocess using <P.\partial_aF(a,ua)e_i>.
+        """By default, it builds the adjoint state via systemAdjoint class and build the grad of the obsprocess using <P.\\partial_aF(a,ua)e_i>.
         read file from adjoint simu directory and create gradV.
@@ -89,69 +94,48 @@ class obsProcess:
         for sourceTerm in self.dS.sourcesTerm:
+        ##3
+        ## Check if varDerParam is init, else create it
+        if self.varDerParam != None:pass
+        else:
+            self.varDerParam = [None]*(self.dS.study.nbParam)
+            # tab of str we wil excecute
+            strdFp = [ '' for _ in range(self.dS.study.nbParam)] #tab while contain str of dFp for each comps, =daF
+            # loop for each ST
+            for sourceTerm in self.dS.sourcesTerm:
+                #tmp str, value of '' or '+'
+                # We read derivate of ST
+                try:
+                    fp = open(sourceTerm.txtFile+"Dp"+".txt", "r")
+                except IOError:
+                    self.myPrint("IOError in obsProcess when reading "+sourceTerm.txtFile+"Dp.txt")
+                    return
+                for numComp in range(self.dS.nbComps):
+                    for numParam in range(self.dS.study.nbParam):
+                        # read the line
+                        l_linedFp = fp.readline().split('=')[1].strip()
+                        #Test if the derivate is !=0
+                        if l_linedFp != "0":
+                            # replace compment for dolfinix
+                            l_linedFp = strForDolf(l_linedFp,sourceTerm.unknownName)
+                            # replace param
+                            for count,p in enumerate(self.dS.study.param):
+                                l_linedFp=l_linedFp.replace('p'+str(count+1),'self.dS.paramD['+str(count)+']')
+                            # Test if strFD is empty or not => if had to add '+' or not
+                            if (strdFp[numParam] == ''):strdFp[numParam]=l_linedFp
+                            else:strdFp[numParam]='+'.join(strdFp[numParam],l_linedFp)
+                        else:pass
+                fp.close()
+                #EXCECUTION
+                for count,strline in enumerate(strdFp):
+                    if strline =='':pass
+                    else:
+                        code = "self.varDerParam ["+str(count)+"]="+self._subFXForm(strline,"trajState")+"*self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps["+str(numComp)+"]*self.dS.dx)"
+                        print("in obsProcess: code = "+code)
+                        exec(compile(code,'sumstring', 'exec'))
         ##2: create vardp := \partial_aF(a,ua)
-        # V1: On garde en memoires les strlines puis remplacer "u" par "ua". Problemes si beaucoup de parametres.
-        # V2: using same method than model with varfs: create empty list size of nbSourceTerm*nbParam*nbcomps, then
-        # fill in the table the val of integral.
-#        ##### BEGIN V2
-        #NOTE: cette version demande le passage d'un var ufl.form.Form en dolfinx.fem.function.Function.
-        # Abandon pour le moment
-#        # create the vec vardfa:
-#        nbST = len(self.dS.sourcesTerm)
-#        self.vardfa = [None]*(nbST*self.dS.nbComps*self.dS.study.nbParam)
-#        print("size of vardfa = ",nbST*self.dS.nbComps*self.dS.study.nbParam)
-#        # loop for each sourceTerm of ds
-#        numST = 0
-#        for sourceTerm in self.dS.sourcesTerm:
-#            try:
-#                fp = open(sourceTerm.txtFile+"Dp"+".txt", "r")
-#            except IOError:
-#                self.myPrint("IOError in obsProcess when reading "+sourceTerm.txtFile+"Dp.txt")
-#                return
-#            for numComp in range(self.dS.nbComps):
-#               for numParam in range(self.dS.study.nbParam):
-#                   strline_dFp = fp.readline().split('=')[1].strip()
-#                   strline_dFp  = strForDolf(strline_dFp,sourceTerm.unknownName)
-#                   for count,p in enumerate(self.dS.study.param):
-#                       strline_dFp =strline_dFp.replace('p'+str(count+1),'self.dS.study.param['+str(count)+']')
-#                   for countComp in range(self.dS.nbComps):
-#                       strline_dFp = strline_dFp.replace("$"+sourceTerm.unknownName[countComp],"self.dS.trajState.comps["+str(countComp)+"].x.array[:]")
-#                   tmpIndST = numST*self.dS.nbComps*self.dS.study.nbParam
-#                   tmpIndComp = numComp*self.dS.study.nbParam
-#                   tmpIndparam = numParam
-#                   tmpInd = tmpIndST+tmpIndComp+tmpIndparam
-#                   print("tmpIndST =",tmpIndST)
-#                   print("tmpIndComp =",tmpIndComp)
-#                   print("tmpIndparam =",tmpIndparam)
-#                   code = "self.vardfa["+str(tmpInd)+"]="+strline_dFp+"*self.dS.u*self.dS.v*self.dS.dx"
-#                   print("str of vardfa = ",code)
-#                   exec(compile(code, 'sumstring', 'exec'))
-#                   #print("vardfa = ",self.vardfa[tmpInd])
-#            numST+=1
-#            fp.close()
-#        ###### END
         ###V1: with str
-        strdFp = [] #tab while contain str of dFp for each comps, =daF
-        for _ in range(self.dS.study.nbParam):strdFp.append([])
-        for sourceTerm in self.dS.sourcesTerm:
-            try:
-                fp = open(sourceTerm.txtFile+"Dp"+".txt", "r")
-            except IOError:
-                self.myPrint("IOError in obsProcess when reading "+sourceTerm.txtFile+"Dp.txt")
-                return
-            for numComp in range(self.dS.nbComps):
-                for numParam in range(self.dS.study.nbParam):
-                    l_linedFp = fp.readline().split('=')[1].strip()
-                    l_linedFp = strForDolf(l_linedFp,sourceTerm.unknownName)
-                    for count,p in enumerate(self.dS.study.param):
-                        l_linedFp=l_linedFp.replace('p'+str(count+1),'self.dS.study.param['+str(count)+']')
-                    #NOTE: delete 2 pro lines pour utiliser subXForm ?
-                    for countComp in range(self.dS.nbComps):
-                        l_linedFp = l_linedFp.replace("$"+sourceTerm.unknownName[countComp],"self.dS.trajState.comps["+str(countComp)+"].x.array[:]")
-                        #print("l_linedFp = "+l_linedFp)
-                    strdFp[numParam].append(l_linedFp)
-            fp.close()
-        #NOTE: l_strdFp is 2d list, l_strdFp[i][j] return the partial derivate of F_j model of a_i param
+                #NOTE: l_strdFp is 2d list, l_strdFp[i][j] return the partial derivate with respect of F_j model of a_i param
         # to use it: dFa_i = "+".join(strdFp[i])pastT
@@ -163,7 +147,6 @@ class obsProcess:
         curF =np.zeros(self.dS.study.nbParam)
         ### todo: READ SECONDoRDERtER.varfs[??], if != None add in grad
-        # TODO: reprendre comme model: tableau de ufl, 1 dim de taille nbparam*???
         tmpDPSOTX = 0
         tmpDPSOTY = 0
@@ -177,27 +160,29 @@ class obsProcess:
             #Update ua
             l_dtAdj = abs(curT - pastT)
-            # loop for each sourceterm
-            for numST in range(len(self.dS.sourcesTerm)):
-                # loop for each comps
-                for count,comp in enumerate(self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps):
-                    #NOTE: on suppose 1 seul nbComps pour le moment => bug possible plus tard car on a sommer chaque comps
-                    # gradJ = <P.\partial_aF(a,ua)e_i>.
-                    # loop for each param
-                    # comp contain P, u_a is in trajState.comps[]
-                    #tmp_count+=1#FIXME
-                    for i in range(self.dS.study.nbParam):
-                        #read u_a
-                        code="self.daF.x.array[:]="+'+'.join(strdFp[i])
-                        exec(compile(code,'sumstring', 'exec'))
-                        # derivate of 2ndOrderTerm
-                        index = count*(2*self.dS.study.nbParam+1)+i+1
-                        formDpSOT= self.dS.secondOrderTerm.varfs[index]
-                        if (formDpSOT == None):scalarDPSOT=0
-                        else:
-                            # Assemble
-                            scalarDPSOT = assemble_scalar(formDpSOT)
-                        curF[i] = assemble_scalar(form(comp*self.daF*self.dS.dx)) + scalarDPSOT
+            # loop for each comps
+            for count,comp in enumerate(self.dS.bufAdjoint.comps):
+                #NOTE: on suppose 1 seul nbComps pour le moment => bug possible plus tard car on a sommer chaque comps
+                # gradJ = <P.\partial_aF(a,ua)e_i>.
+                # loop for each param
+                # comp contain P, u_a is in trajState.comps[]
+                #tmp_count+=1#FIXME
+                for i in range(self.dS.study.nbParam):
+                    index = count*(2*self.dS.study.nbParam+1)+i+1
+                    formDpSOT= self.dS.secondOrderTerm.varfs[index]
+                    # test if derivate of SOT with respect of param is Null
+                    if (formDpSOT == None):scalarDPSOT=0
+                    else:
+                        # Assemble
+                        scalarDPSOT = assemble_scalar(formDpSOT)
+                    # Take derivate of ST with respect of i-th param
+                    formDpSourceTerm = self.varDerParam[i]
+                    # test if derivate of SOT with respect of param is Null
+                    if (formDpSourceTerm  == None):scalarDPSourceTerm=0
+                    else:
+                        # Assemble
+                        scalarDPSourceTerm = assemble_scalar(formDpSourceTerm)
+                    curF[i] = scalarDPSourceTerm + scalarDPSOT
             # update of past T and past F
diff --git a/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt.py b/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt.py
index b4cb2b81783a80c78cb861d5ff470d5bdd8dd813..02a9dcba678a7c251464f5660f3311ebd3f42216 100644
--- a/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt.py
+++ b/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from mse.study import study
 from mse.dynamicalSystem import dynamicalSystem,computeMass
 from mse.DISPERSIONS.diffusionModel import diffusionModel, txtDiffusionModel
-from mse.MODELS.models import txtModel
+from mse.MODELS.models import txtModel, model
 from mse.system import system
 from mse.simulator import simulator
 from mse.timeDoOneStep import timeDoOneStep
@@ -12,17 +12,16 @@ from mse.explorTrajectory import explorTrajectory
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
 from os import  mkdir
-from os.path import isdir
+from os.path import isfile
 ### NOTE: without sourceTerm ? only 2nd order term read in file ?
 ## test with constant sourceTerm + other.
+# TODO: unit test
 #un modele
 sourceModele = computerEnv.modelsDir+nameModele+".txt"
@@ -40,51 +39,62 @@ aSystem=system(aStudy)
     #un systeme dynamique
-#schema en temps implicite lineaire
-#add diffusion motion
-aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
-    m=txtModel(ds2d1,nameModele)
-    m.computeMatOnce=1
-    m.computeRhsOnce=1
-# select the time algorithm
-if (testNLTS):
-    aTS=implicitNonLinearTimeScheme()
-    aTS=implicitLinearTimeScheme()
-#simu in t \in [0,1]
-#based on fix time step 0.05
-#run the simulation
-print("param = ",aStudy.param)
-#for visu, export simulation steps to vtk
-#loop on simu to compute mass
-import numpy as np
-    computeMass(ds2d1,mass)
-    print("mass "+str(aExplorTraj.curStep)+" = ",end="")
-    for m in mass:
-        print(m,end=", ")
-    print("")
+#add diffusion model txt
+def test_creationTxtDiffModel():
+    # aDiffModel type
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    assert issubclass(txtDiffusionModel, model)
+def test_depedence():
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    assert(ds2d1.secondOrderTerm == aDiffModel)
+    assert(aDiffModel.dS == ds2d1)
+    assert(aDiffModel.txtFile == computerEnv.modelsDir+nameSendOrdTerm)
+def test_valueVarfs():
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    print("varfs = ",aDiffModel.varfs)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[0]!=None)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[1]!=None)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[2]!=None)
+def test_fileCreation():
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    assert(isfile(computerEnv.modelsDir+nameSendOrdTerm+"DVP.txt"))
+# Test 2
+def test_valueVarfs2():
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst3"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    print("varfs = ",aDiffModel.varfs)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[0]!=None)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[1]!=None)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[2]==None)
+def test_fileCreation2():
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst3"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    assert(isfile(computerEnv.modelsDir+nameSendOrdTerm+"DVP.txt"))
+# Test 3
+def test_valueVarfs3():
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst4"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    print("varfs = ",aDiffModel.varfs)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[0]!=None)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[1]==None)
+    assert(aDiffModel.varfs[2]!=None)
+def test_fileCreation3():
+    nameSendOrdTerm="sOTConst4"
+    aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
+    assert(isfile(computerEnv.modelsDir+nameSendOrdTerm+"DVP.txt"))   
diff --git a/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt2.py b/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt2.py
index de68797dc82a5b5248239d8ec473ed522045ec1e..8c0b306e724c3291fb1d089c2a75e7ab0c4c4be8 100644
--- a/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt2.py
+++ b/trunk/tests/test_secndOrdrTermTxt2.py
@@ -45,15 +45,10 @@ aSystem=system(aStudy)
 #add diffusion motion
+# param = [R, K, D]]
 aDiffModel=txtDiffusionModel(ds2d1, nameSendOrdTerm)
-#    m.computeMatOnce=1
-#    m.computeRhsOnce=1
 # select the time algorithm
@@ -105,12 +100,12 @@ quaDiff=quadraticDiff(ds2d1)
 #        tabRef[:]=ds2d1.utm1.comps[0].x.array[:]
 #        exploreTrajSim.replay()
 #    # Compare: we will compare both value and check if they are different
-#    #partial compy
+#    #partial copy
 #    tabSim=ds2d1.utm1.comps[0].x.array
 #    assert(tabSim[5] != tabRef[5])
+# SIMU #
 ### Now we will compute the gradV like in test_backward, and compare with kpp3
@@ -121,6 +116,16 @@ print("param Simu= ",aStudy.param)
 GJ = quaDiff.gradJ
 print("gradV = :",GJ)
+# We comparethe result with the result of KPP3
+gradKPP3 = [0.2953702967205263, 0.11021221334867048, 0.0013629142893941196]
+normKPP3 =np.sqrt( 0.0013629142893941196**2 + 0.11021221334867048**2 + 0.2953702967205263**2 )
+normDiff = 0
+for i in range(len(gradKPP3)):
+    #NOTE we add first the smallest number => 3-i in loop
+    normDiff+= (gradKPP3[2-i] - GJ[2-i])**2
+errRelativ = np.sqrt(normDiff)
+print("errRelativ = ",errRelativ)
+assert (errRelativ < 0.05 )